Mark the Ascetic: “maltreatment and dishonor for the sake of truth”

Discontinuous with all political environoments

Dover Beach

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“He who chooses maltreatment and dishonor for the sake of truth is walking on the apostolic path; he has taken up the cross and is bound in chains (cf. Mt. 16:24; Acts 28:20). But when he tries to concentrate his attention on the heart without accepting these two, his intellect wanders from the path and he falls into the temptations and snares of the devil.”

Saint Mark the Ascetic

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Alexander Schmemann’s Critique of Orthodoxy

Following my few words is the first paragraph from John A Jillions article in, The Wheel, which was posted yesterday. Should you have some interest, simply look back to the first sentence and click the blue/linked version of, The Wheel.

“Fr Alexander Schmemann died in 1983, long before the resurgence of the Orthodox Churches in Eastern Europe could be realistically imagined with what this might mean for the emergence of a powerful Orthodox voice worldwide. Today global Orthodoxy is more free than it has been in centuries and—despite continuing divisions—has the ability to start coming together to find and speak its own voice, as the Holy and Great Council in Crete 2016 at least haltingly demonstrated. But this begs the question: what message will this new and potentially muscular Orthodoxy bring to the world?”

Christos Yannaras: “We know God by cultivating a relationship”

Dover Beach

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“We know God by cultivating a relationship, not by understanding a concept.

The relation constitutes the very subjectivity of of our existence. We participate in existence consciously and rationally, with subjective self-knowledge and identity, because the erotic drive of our nature is transformed into a personal relation when there arises in the space of the Other the first signifier of desire: the maternal presence. The subject is born with love’s first leap of joy.”

Christos Yannaras

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Vincent of Lerins: “the impiety of their blinded understanding”

Dover Beach

Vincent of Lerins.jpg“I cannot sufficiently be astonished that such is the insanity of some men, such the impiety of their blinded understanding, such, finally, their lust after error, that they will not be content with the rule of faith delivered once and for all from antiquity, but must daily seek after something new, and even newer still, and are always longing to add something to religion, or to change it, or to subtract from it!” 

St. Vincent of Lerins

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Maximus the Confessor: “Do not say that faith in Christ alone can save you”

Dover Beach

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“Do not say that faith in Christ alone can save you, for this is not possible if you do not attain love for Him, which is demonstrated by deeds. As for mere faith: “The demons also believe and tremble” (James, 2:19). The action of love consists in heartfelt good deeds toward one’s neighbor, magnanimity, patience, and sober use of things.”

Maximus the Confessor

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